Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Bus and The Castle

    This is something simliar along the lines, I said pretty much out of nowhere tonight in the parking lot of our hotel. The parking lot that we were having devotion. This got laid on my heart and HAD to speak it.
    We're riding on that bus to the Castle! The bus is Jesus! The Castle is Heaven!
    We may hit pot holes, ruts, and maybe even get a flat tire! The devil will put those things in the way of your ride with Jesus. Trust in Him that He'll fill up those pot holes, have you glid over those ruts, and blow His Holy air into your wheels or even mend the tire's flat, to bring you to Him even closer than ever before! It's not going to be easy, you'll feel like getting off that bus and taking a hike back to wherever you were. That you feel like the hike will get you somewhere better. Don't think that. The ride with Jesus is the only way that is BETTER than anything possible! It's not easy, no, but it's worth it in the end. Where you'll be standing next to Jesus in triumph in the Castle in the sky. By then you'll be in PERFECT happiness and won't have to worry, hurt, or any earthly bothersome thing, anymore.
I'm on that bus! I'll get to that Castle!

   Tonight, Jesus was with us. He was there like...in the unexplainable way, moving through us. He moved me to speak. And I'm not a speaker, I like to stay quiet and keep myself from having a panic attack from speaking in front of people. I almost past it up! Heart up in my throat and hands shaking badly, I did it. I spoke my mind.
  It was amazing. I discovered things about myself tonight and how God has a certain plan for me in what way I discovered tonight. It's a relief to know what direction, well, another direction He wants me to go with my life serving Him. I've been wondering what He had planned for me. Now I have a feeling that He told me tonight.
  In amongst the teens's souls that step forward tonight and gave themselves to Jesus.
  It was WOW.

  Check out the King's Island pictures! That is where we are at as of now. I'm posting them as I go. A more detailed and explanatory blog post is coming soon. I just felt that this needed to be said, quick before I pass out, here in a few minutes.

   All in all, Jesus is Lord and He is GRAND!

  With lots of love, Kristia S.
God Bless<3<3<3

Saturday, July 9, 2011


   Today started out with some doubts about the success of our bake sale and car wash we had at our local Sears Automotive. It was a different location that what we're used to, from our usual Advance Auto Parts. So our youth leader Curtis decided on taking our brigade of lovely teens to a more busy area of town. Right smack dab in down town, where ALL of the commotion carries on in busy traffic and sidewalk walkers.                    
   The day began with us arriving in Sears's parking lot, our baked goodies prepared to be gobbled up and the car wash to get a washing. But in my personal area of thought, I had doubt about the bake sale. However, I prayed through that doubt, giving it over to Jesus to take control of our success in the day of selling baked goods and washing dirty cars.
   The reason we were doing this bake sale was for the youth group, obviously. Get ahead on the money towards our events and mission trips.

Don't be fooled by her mean face,
she's a sweetie!
   Anyways, we arrived to Sears and there is people lined out the block, waiting to get inside the building next door to Sears. There was this big conference or something was going on. About five hundred people were there. So we took baskets and bags full of goodies and started advertising to them, and we got about seventy-five dollars worth out of the first round and made a couple more rounds and gotten about a hundred out of it. It was pretty awesome. Water was our number one best seller though. And our best salesperson was little Nora Rae. Who could resist a cute little girl's "Buy a cookie?"
     As the day wore on, we would have a occasional group of people stop by and buy goods, and maybe a person or two to get their car washed. We washed a few expensive cars, like a Mercedes Benz and a '96 Corvette. It was pretty awesome.
But our success wasn't booming until we were getting ready to leave. The conference let out. It was like the flood gates were opened and many hungry and thirsty mouths were coming our way.
We made over five hundred dollars. Over our goal mark! Boy! Jesus is good! He blessed us today with gaining so much money! It was AMAZING!
Laura holdin' her sign!<3
  There are nice people out there, you just have to be there at opportune times and at the right places. And those nice people have kind hearts, and kind hearts if they aren't already are for God, they wouldn't take much to bring them to know Jesus. Of course, you have the rude and nasty people among the kind people. But you can't let them get in your way or you can't stray from witnessing God's love to them. The people you least think that'll come to the Lord, may be the ones that will come easier than the ones you think are easy. That's the beauty of witnessing, God can grab a hold of anyone, anywhere, and anytime.
   I have a great feeling that we've caught many people today, or at least left an impression on them. But only God knows and needs to know, Its' His crop! And we're part of it!

  With lots of love, Kristia S.
  +G-B-U+ <3