What We're About

Youth 2011
Dear Blog Viewer,

This is where we’ll tell you what our blog is all about.

We, Valley Grove of the Nazarene, are a growing group of heartfelt teenagers and inspiring adult leaders. We have had up to fifty teens in all. An average of twenty to twenty-seven each Wednesday night, and a average of fifteen each Sunday morning.
We keep growing each year!
      We’re spreading our love of Jesus Christ everywhere we go. Everyone we touch with our voices, talents, and actions, leave a God loving impact on them. If it’s either a family member, friend, or a complete stranger. Even if it’s in the smallest of forms, or the biggest of ones, we leave an impact that’ll stay with them for the rest of their lives. That’s how powerful the Lord is in us where we love Him so endearingly, and that He has a great plan for us, with us doing these things in His glorious name.
      Our teens touches hearts and many have came to love them like their own son, daughter, sister, or brother. With their love for Jesus is contagious and makes it hard not to love them for their excitement in the Lord, their brightly lit characters, and the loving attitudes, that always seems to be there when you need them. And when you need them, God sends them onto the path for them to help you somehow.
     We’re all are family in God, which means, we are there for each other.

Maybe God will send us in your direction, when you need us. That’s how amazing God’s love is for us and for you. He can do anything! He’s limitless in power! He’s the almighty Lord of all, the creator of everything, the great I Am, the Savior of us sinners!
     We will witness about His grace and love to anyone that needs Him!
     Come! See! Experience Jesus’s love with us, through our stories, testimonies, and pictures on this blog! This is just a fair, minor taste of what we do in the Lord’s wondrous name! You can experience more and better if you just give yourself to Jesus! He’s everything and the answer to all!
Just watch us prove it through this site.
      You’ll see.

Sincerely, Valley Grove Nazarene Youth Group
God Bless you always!